Life Isn't Fair, But God is Just
No matter who you are, there will be times when you think, “this isn’t fair”. You will work hard, but won’t be properly rewarded. You will contribute generously, but will go unrecognized.
Somewhere along life’s trail, each must overcome this universal frustration.
Stop Keeping Count
Thinking in terms of “fair” and “unfair” will only keep you stuck. You will always find an injustice performed against you. You will find that others unfairly have it better than you.
Constant comparison kills the spirit and the ability to connect with people.
The spirit of a person who is constantly comparing is either elevated in pride or submerged in depression. When thinking primarily of self, life can only be great or terrible. With those less fortunate than you, you’ll feel superior. With those more fortunate, you’ll feel inferior.
When you stop keeping count, you can experience an amazing change. Your heart and mind will be freed from injustices done against you. You will be able to love and contribute freely.
Removing comparison from your life mostly comes down to thinking less about yourself.
Get Humble & Grateful
When we seriously consider what we have been given, we’ll find that we have much more than we deserve!
Consider all that God has given you:
God did not have to give you breath today. He did not have to give His Son, Jesus, to die for you. Neither of these things are deserved, they are gifts.
If we received what we deserved, we would be condemned to hell for all eternity because of our sin. The whole Christian life isn’t fair! God treats us much better than we deserve.
Let’s be honest and humble, We don’t deserve anything! Develop an attitude of Gratefulness. It is the only way forward.
Get Refocused
And what soever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ. (Colossians 3:23-24, KJV)
To gain long-term victory over “unfairness”, recognize that other people are not your motivation. Your life is to be lived for the Lord. Everything you have is from Him. Everything you do should be for him. Your satisfaction must be in him.
When you get centered on the Lord, we can go on joyfully even when others don’t recognize it.
You will put in an unfair amount of time and effort and you won’t receive the credit that you deserve. However, credit from people isn’t the motivation, reward from God is our motivation.
On top of this, you can rest assured that even though things aren’t fair, God is just. You can trust that God will do what is right in the end. Every thing you do to serve Him is noticed and rewarded. There’s a day coming that accounts will be settled. God will see that justice is served and rewards are given.