What does it mean to work with volunteers?

Local churches are largely volunteer organizations. The people who keep a church going over the long term are volunteers. Not only do they give of their time, but are also giving financially so that the ministry can continue!

For those employed by churches or other volunteer organizations, it’s vital to develop a right attitude towards volunteers since it can be easy to adopt wrong attitudes.

What does it mean to work with volunteers?

First, Important Lesson

They’re Volunteers, so treat them right.

This is fundamental to working with volunteers. Since people are volunteering, we need to be very careful to honor them appropriately. We aren’t paying them, we don’t jerk them around, and we aren’t their boss! (Even for employers and employees, it’s not advisable to jerk people around either.)

Some forget this and begin to expect ongoing effort without appreciation. This is a big mistake!

It has been said, “Don’t use people to build your ministry, use your ministry to build people.” Be sure not to take advantage of the good will of God’s people.

Second, a Fallacy

They’re Volunteers, “so don’t expect too much.”

Yes, a volunteer has a limited amount of time and energy that they can give to an organization. However, when a volunteer’s gifting is aligned with the right role or opportunity, watch out!

We can and should expect that God is going to use people to make a difference. People want to do something meaningful. It’s on those leading to encourage and support them so that they can.

Third, an Overlooked Opportunity

They’re Volunteers, they signed up for this of their own free will, understanding that there is no compensation. That means they want to make a meaningful contribution!

We forget what it means to be a volunteer!

It is not a warm body simply showing up to fill a role (Unfortunately we’ve often reduced volunteerism to this). It’s not someone who will just do a menial task because no one else will.

When a volunteer signs up, their hope is that their gift of time and energy will produce a meaningful result. To not help people make a difference with the time and effort they freely give is an overlooked opportunity!

We can give people a challenge. Why not let volunteers loose on a problem, and watch God use them in a big way. It’s upon the leader to help them find the area of their gifting, equip them, and let them loose for the glory of God.

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