Opportunity for Impact

An Open Door

In the digital age, your opportunity to impact others for the cause of Christ has never been greater. Websites, Blogs, Social Media, Video, Email. All of it has the potential to make a difference in people’s lives. Sadly, we waste this potential. Like the books we buy but never read, it’s pretty much wasted.

This challenge is not just for you; this is for me. I miss opportunities, I see all the things that I could be doing if I would only invest a little time. I’ve seen God use missions stories affect my life. I heard these during spare moments in the vast world of the internet.

The Power of Putting your Story Online

As a teenager, I ate up what missionaries wrote. I scoured the internet for their articles. I would even download articles and archive them for later reference! I explored, I wanted to know more. God used these stories and articles to direct me to serve him full time with my life.

What you write Does matter.

One of the biggest hindrances I have faced in this area is thinking that no one will ever read what I write, so why bother? We have in our minds that unless 1,000 people read my blog, then it was a waste.

No it’s not! Even if only a handful of people read what you write, that is still a handful more listening to your message than there was yesterday. It’s worth it.

Start somewhere!

You have something to share! If nothing else, write down and share what God has been teaching you through your daily Bible reading.

One of my all time favorite blogs is LightInChina.org written by my friend Kanon Bloom. He started it to share what God was doing during his 6-month internship in China, and he continues to write on a regular basis about how God has been at work.

Some of the things he puts on the blog:

  • Devotional Thoughts
  • Brief Updates about the Ministry
  • Pictures from Ministry and China
  • Experiences he’s had in the ministry
  • Audio Messages
  • Videos

You can start anywhere with a blog. Just post something, post at least once a week, and you’re on your way to impacting people for Christ.

I know this: one day soon, a young man is going to begin studying at the Our Generation Training Center because he became interested in missions by reading Kanon’s blog.


With the internet you have a voice, you have a way to share the exciting things that God is doing in your life. Let’s work at it, the more, the merrier!

You have an opportunity to impact lives, take it.

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